PROSPECT HOMES has completed on the purchase of a site in Hollins Green, Warrington, as we continue to add to our development pipeline.
The 10.5 acre site is located off Manchester Road on the Eastern edge of Warrington and will comprise 110 homes including 30% affordable homes across a mix of one to four-bed properties, set within an attractive landscape setting which will include a children’s play area.
Promoted by Richborough the land has been allocated for residential development within the new local plan and outline planning consent has already been granted for the development. We will be submitting a reserved matters application in the coming months.
Michael Orgill, managing director of Prospect Homes, said: “Warrington is an area that has been in our sights for a while, the Richborough team did a great job and we’re really pleased that we can now move forward with the next step of this development with the aim of starting on site in 2025.”
We will also make S106 contributions totalling over £800k. This will fund local sport, education and health provisions as well as sustainable transport improvements including a 3.5-mile cycle lane along Manchester Road.
Michael continued: “The homes at Hollins Green will be built under new regulations meaning they will be highly energy efficient, saving homeowners thousands on their energy bills. Homes will include air source heat pumps, solar panels, wastewater heat recovery systems and electric car charging points.”
Harry Jackson, regional manager at Richborough, said: “Congratulations to Prospect Homes and the landowner on this exciting sale, we can’t wait to see this new residential development take shape. Huge thanks go to our in-house team and supporting consultants who promoted the site through the local plan, secured outline planning consent in December 2023 and marketed the site on the open market, ensuring best value for all stakeholders along the way.”